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Mission Statement

SRIYHA Mission Statement

The purpose of SRIYHA, Shall be to instruct boys and girls, of the Southern Rhode Island area, in the fundamentals of skating, hockey, good sportsmanship, and team spirit: regardless of race, color or creed in accordance with the bill of rights for young athletes as defined by USA Hockey.  All boys and girls of the association:

* Shall have the opportunity to participate in sports regardless of ability level. 
* Shall have the right to participate at a level that is commensurate with each child's developmental level.
* Shall have the right to qualified adult leadership.
* Shall have the right to participate in safe healthy environments.
* Shall have the right to share in the leadership and decision making of their sport participation. 
* Shall have the right to play as a child, not as an adult.
* Shall have the right to proper preparation for participation in the sport.
* Shall have the right to equal opportunity to strive for success.
* Shall have the right to be treated with dignity by all involved.
* Shall have the right to have fun through sport.

SRIYHA shall be dedicated to provide for maximum number of youth to participate in its programs. It will establish, operate, and manage programs which are necessary and appropriate for recreational hockey and shall conduct an annual search for sponsors as well as promoting other fund raising activities as may be deemed necessary to remain solvent and affordable.